Students and Faculty Showcase Their Talents
The MDS art department news is so voluminous, I think it best I break it down to the top FIVE big things happening:
1. Kiwanis Club of Macon Art & Talent Showcase – March 12

The watercolors, drawings, and acrylic paintings that will be shown are amazing!
We will display our work at the McCorkle Music Building at Mercer, part of the Townsend School of Music. It is a truly beautiful space and we cannot wait. The showcase is open to students in the 10th, 11th and 12th grades. Students compete in the fine arts or performing arts category and scholarships are awarded for the top 3 finishers.
Gaila Heath (12th), Jonathan Hubbard (12th), Olivia Berke (10th), Jeri Bondal (11th), Kobe Spicer (11th), and Amanda Herrold (10th) are competing.
2. Governor’s Honors Program – finalists pending
Jeri Bondal (11th) was selected to compete in the Governor’s Honors Program. She will participate in the selection process, competing against more than 75 visual artists from the state of Georgia. Jeri is one of only two Macon students chosen to participate in this program. Governor’s Honors is a residential summer program for gifted and talented high school students.
3. Georgia Drawing and Painting Competition – spring 2017
We will host an amazing show in spring of 2017! Eight colleges and high schools will compete for prizes and awards. We’ve done this exhibition before with Catholic schools only. This exhibition will have a more statewide focus.
4. Macon Arts Alliance – through March 31

Samantha Lee, Middle School art teacher, and I have joined some of our colleagues at Mercer for a special invitational exhibition this month called “Mentors and Protégés.” The Georgia Art Educators show showcases teachers and students. Mercer professor Eric O’Dell included six of his current students. I have 11 students total – past and current – showing in the exhibition. It runs through the month of March. As an added treat, Dr. Anya Silver of Mercer University’s Department of English will offer poetry readings! She is a nationally-acclaimed poet who reads her poetry and really spiffy events all over the U.S.
5. MDS Student Gallery – April
All the art students are getting ready for the spring art show on the MDS campus. Work not sent to the Pace Academy Photo Show or other events will be on display in the Zuver lobby in April. New and exciting work will be on display for the upcoming Grandparents Day activities.
By Diane Mead, Upper School Art Teacher